Buildings intended for commercial use absorb a significant share of the overall energy utilized within buildings overall, this due to the major impact the commercial sector exercises on economic activities, the high-performance requirements associated with these buildings and the many activities that take place within them.

There are main key areas that an HVAC system can affect:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Air velocity
  • Noise
  • Fresh Air (Including odor)

Shops and shopping centers must provide both a comfortable browsing environment for customers, but they must also be safe environments where a huge capacity of people must be safeguarded during a smoke or fire related emergency. A selection of our solutions for the areas within a retail environment are listed below.
Premises for the display and sale of products and services are characterized by fittings, ambientes and accessibility which can vary enormously, depending on the category of goods in question. This multitude of differing scenarios represents a major impact on the internal conditions (most notably for fresh food applications) and the internal loads as regards crowding and lighting; the latter is more often tailored to creating the desired ambience rather than reduced power consumption considerations. Space reserved for air conditioning equipment must necessarily be limited to reserve maximum space for commercial purposes. Furthermore, the equipment needs to be inaccessible to the public whilst simultaneously being user-adjustable, all of which drives customers towards solutions that can be concealed, easily integrated in the fittings, or even centralized as “all-air” systems. The Ecovent products can meet all of these needs.


Offices are built for people and the quality of ventilation in the indoor environment will affect their health, comfort and productivity.
Buildings destined for office use are increasingly characterized by lighter building structures, with an emphasis on glass walls and rooms where the eventual professional use is unknown at the design stage. The presence of opposite overlapping heat loads which can vary suddenly calls for machines and systems which offer elevated flexibility of use; ensuring adequate air exchange is essential in improving employee productivity whilst minimizing the costs associated with ventilation. The Ecovent product range takes all of these needs into consideration, offering dedicated fan coils and ahu systems which can exploit heat and cooling energy recovery. These are combined with reliable and efficient air treatment solutions which can be tailored to suit all users, from the biggest to the very smallest.


HVAC ventilation requirements in schools require care and attention to achieve the best air comfort conditions for learning and developing and educational facilities provide a variety of differing indoor spaces that all come with their own challenges.
Air handling units are the preferred solution, exception taken for historical buildings or those with specific architectural constraints, where ducting is often incompatible with the building architecture; here a mixed primary air and fan coil solution is applied, with ducted air renewal and terminals for heating and cooling.

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