Road tunnel ventilation is required to prevent the buildup of vehicle exhaust fumes and maintain air quality for occupants. In road tunnels ventilation rates are needed to dilute the pollutant emissions from vehicles – like Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and soot (particles matter) – in order to keep acceptable air quality for the users.
Just as important is controlling the effects of a fire in tunnels. The ventilation system needs to be designed and sized to provide sufficient velocity and direction for controlling the spread of smoke and heat in the event of fire.
In the event of a fire this same system needs to be able to act as the smoke extract system allowing the tunnel occupants to evacuate and emergency services to reach the source of the fire and tackle it.

We can provide system design services and tailored products for:

  • Transverse tunnel ventilation

Transverse ventilation uses mechanical fans for movement of air. With a transverse ventilation system, fresh air is normally delivered transversely along one side of the tunnel with corresponding extraction points for contaminated air along the other. Airflow is transversely across the tunnel cross-section.

Semi-transverse ventilation also makes use of mechanical fans for movement of air. Fresh air is normally introduced transversely throughout the tunnel length with contaminated air being exhausted longitudinally through the portals. An adjoining space known as a plenum is used to facilitate air supply, which is incorporated above or below the tunnel with ducts and air distribution units that allow for even distribution of air throughout the tunnel.

  • Longitudinal ventilation

Longitudinal ventilation is similar to natural ventilation with the addition of mechanical fans normally located in the tunnel. Fans, often referred to as jet fans, are used inside rectangular-shaped tunnels that do not have the space to facilitate air circulation above the ceiling or below the roadway. Also, shorter circular tunnels may use the longitudinal system since there is less air to replace; therefore, the need for even distribution of air through ductwork is not necessary. Where flow can be reversed, the fans can be used to move air into or, in the event of a fire, out of the tunnel through the tunnel openings.

Tunnel Solutions from Ecovent:

  • Tunnel Ventilation Design & CFD Analysis
  • Pressure Drop Calculations & Validation of Noise Calculations
  • Factory Acceptance Testing
  • Fan Installation Guidance & Commissioning Assistance
  • Global Coverage & Support Service
  • After Sales Support & Warranty

CE Marked Ventilation Products

Ecovent offers a wide range of CE marked EN12101-3 certified ventilation products.

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